NLESD recognizes the inherent value that technology can bring to support inclusivity and student success, foster well-being, positive and meaningful relationships, engagement and responsibility. A primary goal of the District is to provide availability of educational resources to enrich the learning experience for students, whether that takes place in or out of classrooms.
The expectation is that hardware, software, and technology services supplied by the District will be used in an appropriate and responsible manner. This includes (but is not limited to): all District technologies and personal technologies connecting to the District’s network; accessing services such as the Internet, email, collaboration tools; and, digital learning platforms and content.
Students will be provided with access to a Chromebook for educational use only for the academic school year. Certain guidelines are necessary to protect the Student, hardware device, school and District technology resources, and ensure that this technology serves as an effective instructional tool. The following represents terms, conditions and responsibilities that must be followed and will govern the use of the Chromebook.
Description of Loaned Property
The District will provide to the Student, according to the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement, the following device and accessories:
This device is being loaned to the Student in good working order. When not in use, it is the Student and Parent/Guardian responsibility to care for the equipment and ensure that it is kept in a safe and secure environment. This Chromebook is provided for academic use only and is only to be used for online learning and instruction, assignments, and studying from home.
Agreement Term
The term of this agreement starts on the date of the signed agreement by both the Parent/Guardian and Student and ends at the end of the school year or earlier as outlined in this agreement.
At the end of the school year, all Chromebook and accessories must be returned to the school with explicit acknowledgement and initials of the Student or Parent/Guardian on this Chromebook Loan Agreement. In the event that assets are not returned, Student and Parent/Guardian understand that the District will report the device missing, and the Student and Parent/Guardian will be responsible for the replacement cost of the Chromebook and/or accessories of the device.
Terms, Conditions and Responsibilities
Damage or Loss of Hardware
If damage or loss occurs to the Chromebook or accessories, District administration will review the incident. If deemed that damage, loss, or theft has occurred due to negligence, the Student or Parent/Guardian may be required to pay for the replacement of the Chromebook and/or accessory at the discretion of the District.
In the event of damage, loss or theft to the Chromebook or accessories, the Student and Parent/Guardians may be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of the Chromebook and/or accessories when damage, loss or theft occurs due to negligence or intentional misconduct as determined by the District according to the following schedule. As technology prices change, Student and Parent/Guardian will be responsible for the actual cost based on when the incident occurred. The below prices are as of April 2023.
By signing below, I give my permission for my child to use the Chromebook and technology services for educational purposes. I acknowledge that I am responsible for ensuring that use of the loaned property is for educational purposes only and is appropriately supervised. I will care for the Chromebook device as outlined in this Chromebook Loan Agreement.
By signing below, I agree to use the Chromebook and technology services for educational purposes and I acknowledge that I am responsible for ensuring that use of the loaned property is for educational purposes only and is used appropriately. I will care for the Chromebook device as outlined in this Chromebook Loan Agreement.
I hereby agree that I have reviewed and understand the Terms, Conditions and Responsibilities of this Chromebook Loan Agreement and agree to abide by them.